Website: http://claretownship.ca/
Contact: Marcelle Comeau (902) 989-1954
Email: mmcomeau@outlook.com
The Rendez-vous de la Baie is very pleased to announce that the Clare Township website is the sponsor of the month for October 2019. Their generous contribution provides everyone with free access to the Acadian Interpretive Centre museum halls.
For the sixth consecutive year, we are very pleased to sponsor admission to the ‘Acadian Interpretive Centre’ for October, 2019. The Interpretive Centre is a great introduction to the history of Baie-Sainte-Marie (Clare) and pays tribute to the fortitude and ingenuity of the first settlers to arrive on its shores in 1768. The Centre also beautifully showcases the arts and culture which have evolved at Baie-Sainte-Marie since those early days.
My generation is the bridge between the old and the new: we are the last generation in Clare to have experienced a way of life that has all but disappeared. To this end, John and I have developed a website to record and preserve the history of Clare for genealogists and researchers in particular, but also for anyone interested in the history of our beautiful Baie-Sainte-Marie, its founding families and their descendants. In Phase One, we photographed every grave-marker in the Catholic cemeteries in Clare and developed a fully searchable grave-marker database; this is currently the backbone of our website. We also added a brief history of the churches and parishes at Baie-Sainte-Marie.
The next module we added was a brief overview of Shipbuilding in Clare, authored by Delbé Comeau. We also worked with Old Photos of Clare to bring you an old photos display at the Rendez-Vous and a rotating slide show in the Acadian Interpretive Centre.
After a hiatus to work on Canada150, Clare250 and Chipoudie monument projects, we plan to begin adding new material to our website, building on research we carried out for the celebrations mentioned. Areas of interest include the genealogy of the founding families of Baie-Sainte-Marie; supporting genealogical documentation for some of the names on the ‘Lost at Sea’ Cape St. Mary monument; documenting some of the historic homes in Clare and featuring selected historical figures from Projet de l’Association Madeleine LeBlanc, 150 + 100 femmes inspirantes de la Baie Sainte-Marie (Clare) N.-É.
Because we plan to keep adding material to our website, check us out periodically at http://claretownship.ca/ http://claretownship.ca/
– Marcelle Comeau & John Berkey

Access to the Acadian Interpretive Centre (Museum) at Rendez-vous de la Baie is now free of charge. New since 2012, the admission fees have been replaced by a Donation box, as well as a new Corporate Sponsorship Program.
For more information on the Corporate Sponsorship Program, please view the PDF.